Sunday, October 31, 2010

25 Things I Don't Like.

In the spirit of grumpy moods and petty complaints that have plagued my life in the past two weeks, I have decided to create this list of things I do not like, in no particular order. What good is a bad week if you can't complain about it?

(1) People who talk really loudly on the bus in the morning. I don't want to hear you booming voice at 8 am.

(2) Doing work from my couch while watching my World Series games. I like many things about my job, but the never-ending volume of work is not one of them. One day I will have a job where I can leave my work.. at work.

(3) DREAMING that I am doing work. This is happens EVERY TIME that I work right before going to bed (see #2).

(4) Rain. And the fact that winter is just around the corner. Goodbye, daylight. See you again next spring.

(5) Managing others. I thought I would enjoy being in this role, and it has come earlier than expected. But it turns out I hate it. I do not enjoy spending half of my day explaining things to people who are barely listening, only to review their work later and find a hundred errors, and to realize they only got through half of the very reasonable to-do list that I so kindly created for them. And then I get to pick up their slack. Awesome.

(6) People being offended by others' happiness.

(7) Managers who dump the task of planning an event onto me less than 48 hours before said event is scheduled to occur. I am not an event planner, and I do not have time for this stuff. (See #2.) That is why we have admins.

(8) Mangers who turn around and take all of the credit after I come through and plan such events (see #7).

(9) Attending 2-hour meetings to talk about nothing. Waste of my time.

(10) The fact that my Blackberry has gone into a permanent coma after taking a fatal fall last Monday. The poor thing has endured an awful lot of abuse in its short 1-year lifetime.

(11) The fact that the crummy flip phone I was using as a temporary replacement for my Blackberry was destroyed at a party the other night. It broke in half. I'm pretty sure someone sat on it.

(12) Finding out I need to have surgery performed on my front tooth.

(13) Cab drivers who read the dictionary while my life is in their hands. Um, excuse me Mr. Taxi Driver, what the heck are you doing?

(14) People who show up to Halloween parties without a costume. Lame.

(15) The boy who asked to go home with me, and then when I politely informed him that I already had one of my girlfriends spending the night (as if that's the reason I wouldn't have a sleepover with him), he assured me that it was okay, because I could just come over to his place.

(16) Getting home from a night out at 5 am. And then waking up at 8:30 am and feeling like death. (Although I realize this is a self-inflicted kind of pain.)

(17) Laundry. Everywhere. All the time.

(18) People who assure me they are going to take care of certain tasks, and then later ask me if I have completed these very same tasks.

(19) Being the new kid in town. Without the built-in cushions of college or roommates to soften the landing. I am happy with my decision to live in a new place, and I can't imagine having done things differently. But I have yet to find one person who understands what it's like, or who stops to consider that it might be very difficult.

(20) Waiting and wondering if certain boys are going to call.

(21) My lack of supplies and ability to cook anything. If I eat one more Lean Pocket or bowl of Special K for dinner, I might die.

(22) Mean people. And people who radiate negativity.

(23) The lack of counter space in my bathroom. It's no wonder I'm accidentally dropping things in the toilet all the time.

(24) Work people trying to Facebook friend me. No, Person Who Once Tortured Me when I Had to Work for You a Year Ago (see #22), I do not want to be friends, and I do not want you to see pictures of me intoxicated, nor do I want to see pictures of you intoxicated.

(25) Plane tickets being so expensive near Thanksgiving. It's looking like deep dish pizza and a movie again this year.

Here's to a better week ahead.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Good Old Days

Sometimes I miss my old life!

Just got an email from one of my former Honors kids and I was remembering all of the time I put into my Honors club. That club was my baby for three years! I was president for two of those years, and it was one of a few things I've done where I've gotten to throw my energy into being positive and attempting to motivate others. I'm not sure if I was any good at it, but I miss those days.

(Although, I was digging through my old files and good grief was I disorganized. I mean not that bad, really, for a college student. But that kind of organization would NOT fly in my current life.)

Earlier today I was driving past downtown Boston. When I looked up at the skyline, I was expecting for half a second to see San Francisco in front of me. Some days I miss that place. I will always think of it as my original city.

A couple weeks ago I was craving a bonfire on Avila Beach.

And there are certain days when I would like to go back to being 18. For the first couple months of college I didn't know many people yet, so I would spend almost every afternoon staring in fascination at the hills and the unpolluted blue sky from my secret lunch spot. I loved doing that.

I usually don't think the past, but on the occasion that I do, it's sad to know that I can't go back. There were a lot of nice things about my former life.

However, my grown up life is pretty cool, too. I get to make all my own decisions, and to stay out as late as I want (okay, I could do that in college too, but now there is no one around to judge me just in case I come at 11 am in yesterday's clothes), and to keep working on making life even better than before. Annndd I get to hang out in Boston. (Sorry, San Francisco, but Boston and I are actually very happy together.) I have a feeling that someday I will miss this, too.