Sunday, January 16, 2011

In the Kitchen

Today I made breakfast. All by myself! On the stove!

(Yes, this is the first time I have used my stove since I moved in to my apartment. It's been a busy year. And a half.)


Also. Just to prove that I do bake on occasion, here are some belated pictures of my holiday baking adventures:

Not bad, right? I'm not such a terrible baker. The problem is that I am lacking when it comes to patience. I do not like taking the time to go shopping for new meals; I do not like having to think about what I should bake; I do not like to wait around while the oven is pre-heating; and I do not like spending the time to prepare my own meals (at least for one person, it seems like an awful lot of effort). Oh, and I especially do not like cleaning up. 

However. I do like the feeling of accomplishment when you finish baking, and I do like having the flexibility to make so many different things that do no include cereal, Lean Pockets, or microwaved pasta. Plus I have to get prepared for my future husband + kids, right? So I'm working on the patience part. It's probably a good quality to have.

1 comment:

Blake said...

I see you got in the kitchen and made yourself something other than angry.