Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dear Valentine's Day

I have always thought you were a pretty silly holiday. Mostly a fabrication of the greeting card industry. I mean, you are a marketer's dream -- and the marketing kids were definitely my least favorite type of business majors.

However. For some strange reason which I don't fully understand, you have always been good to me. I'm not sure why you like me. Maybe you always try to make up for all the other holidays? Ever since I was a kid, I have been thoroughly convinced that Thanksgiving is cursed. I have had more than my share of crummy Christmases and mopey New Years. And I truthfully can't remember the last time I had a birthday where something bad didn't happen.

But you, on the other hand, have always gone my way. You and I have a lot of good memories dating back to my kiddie and teenage years. In fact, you have never really let me down. Even during the times when I have been in a crummy mood, you have managed to cheer me up. Not always with some grand magnificent gesture - although you have given me a few of those, too - but sometimes just in small ways that made me smile.

So, Valentine's Day. Even though I may think you are a little bit ridiculous, and you lead to the sale of way too much unnecessary pink heart-shaped merchandise, I have secretly grown to appreciate our friendship. Maybe you will even remember me this year.

Predictably... this past Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years weren't so great. Just saying.

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