Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Learning in Style

Remember how I was teaching a training in Texas earlier this week?

Well, the first day was a "learn by PowerPoint" kind of day. I think it went pretty well given that I had not rehearsed any of my slides and instead elected to wing it. (In all fairness, I had very sincere intentions to practice beforehand. It just never happened. I was too busy / distracted this weekend. And then I was way too sleepy on the plane ride to study PowerPoint slides. Not too sleepy to watch The Tourist, though. I can't decide if it was clever or awful.)

Then, yesterday, I was left on my own to lead some hands-on training.  

So how did THAT go?

Terrific. We ate gumdrops and evaluated one another's personalities.  I had an astoundingly high accuracy rate, mind you.  And we had some very insightful personality chats.  One guy asked me if I would be able to offer some advice that might help him along in his quest to find a girlfriend. I happily agreed to send him some links. (In between all of this fun, I taught them a few boring things about auditing, too. Bleh.)

...this is what happens when I'm left in charge.

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