If you happen to read my blog, then you probably know that I LOVE vacations. I would be a professional vacationer if that were an option. Maybe I could scope out all the good vacation spots and then tell other people about them. That's a real career option, right?
I haven't really been anywhere exciting since last fall, and I don't have anything planned in the near future. So I am starting to get anxious for the next vacation adventure. This is what I have on my list right now:
- Alaska cruise (These seem to be so darn expensive! I'm on the lookout for good deals.)
- Colorado trip to visit Denver / Boulder / Colorado Springs, in order to scope out possible grad school options and maybe even future living options?
- Seattle / Portland. I did this two years ago but this time I would get to visit one of my best friends! I think I will opt for flying next time, though. That was an awfully long drive.
- Tahoe... um, this is an hour away. Will somebody please go snowboarding with me?!
- Australia! This is a little further away, and is probably contingent upon a friend moving there later this year so I have a built-in tour guide. But definitely a future must-see destination!
I should point out that I am extremely lucky to live in one of the best places in the world - California. If I ever get off my lazy behind (thanks, job) then I know there is so much to do in this state without having to go too far. I am grateful just about every day to live somewhere so pretty and exciting in itself.
On a completely unrelated note, I have started going to Zumba classes when I can. It's kind of fun and awesome, even if I do look ridiculous sometimes. My classmates mostly consist of old ladies, so at least the intimidation factor is low.