Tuesday, March 6, 2012

(Almost) 10 Things I Love about California

I have been a really bad blogger lately. I promise that I start writing blog entries all the time. Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of getting distracted by other things (such as work - so inconvenient) and not finishing them. And then they become outdated and irrelevant. You know? But just to prove it, here is my unfinished list of... 8 things I love about being back in California:

(1) Being close to my favorite people and dogs.

(2) SUNSHINE! When I was a kid, I think I assumed that all winters everywhere were 60-degrees and sunny. Now I have been enlightened, and this is not so! It's good to return to warm sunny winter days. I don't even need to wear socks.

(3) Having a fresh perspective on the West Coast and the Bay Area. Appreciating the good, tolerating the bad, and having the insight to make more of an informed decision about whether to stick around in the future.

(4) Roads that make some kind of logical sense and aren't covered with potholes.

(5) That wonderful, laid-back, attitude that makes it acceptable for me to maintain a steady rotation between flip flops and fuzzy slippers.

(6) Avocadoes on everything! And if they're not there, you can always ask for them without fearing that people will give you a funny look, like "what do you think this is, South America?" (Do avacadoes grow in South America? I might have just made that up.)

(7) Mountains, hills, oceans, rivers.  We really do have the best landscapes.  

(8) Everything is so much newer here.  Don't get me wrong; there is a certain charm about some of the older and more historical areas of this country. But I grew up with sidewalks and lefthand turn lanes, and I am pretty ecstatic to see these once again.

As certain Midwestern friends turned California citizens have been known to say... the West Coast is the best coast!

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