Sunday, October 31, 2010

25 Things I Don't Like.

In the spirit of grumpy moods and petty complaints that have plagued my life in the past two weeks, I have decided to create this list of things I do not like, in no particular order. What good is a bad week if you can't complain about it?

(1) People who talk really loudly on the bus in the morning. I don't want to hear you booming voice at 8 am.

(2) Doing work from my couch while watching my World Series games. I like many things about my job, but the never-ending volume of work is not one of them. One day I will have a job where I can leave my work.. at work.

(3) DREAMING that I am doing work. This is happens EVERY TIME that I work right before going to bed (see #2).

(4) Rain. And the fact that winter is just around the corner. Goodbye, daylight. See you again next spring.

(5) Managing others. I thought I would enjoy being in this role, and it has come earlier than expected. But it turns out I hate it. I do not enjoy spending half of my day explaining things to people who are barely listening, only to review their work later and find a hundred errors, and to realize they only got through half of the very reasonable to-do list that I so kindly created for them. And then I get to pick up their slack. Awesome.

(6) People being offended by others' happiness.

(7) Managers who dump the task of planning an event onto me less than 48 hours before said event is scheduled to occur. I am not an event planner, and I do not have time for this stuff. (See #2.) That is why we have admins.

(8) Mangers who turn around and take all of the credit after I come through and plan such events (see #7).

(9) Attending 2-hour meetings to talk about nothing. Waste of my time.

(10) The fact that my Blackberry has gone into a permanent coma after taking a fatal fall last Monday. The poor thing has endured an awful lot of abuse in its short 1-year lifetime.

(11) The fact that the crummy flip phone I was using as a temporary replacement for my Blackberry was destroyed at a party the other night. It broke in half. I'm pretty sure someone sat on it.

(12) Finding out I need to have surgery performed on my front tooth.

(13) Cab drivers who read the dictionary while my life is in their hands. Um, excuse me Mr. Taxi Driver, what the heck are you doing?

(14) People who show up to Halloween parties without a costume. Lame.

(15) The boy who asked to go home with me, and then when I politely informed him that I already had one of my girlfriends spending the night (as if that's the reason I wouldn't have a sleepover with him), he assured me that it was okay, because I could just come over to his place.

(16) Getting home from a night out at 5 am. And then waking up at 8:30 am and feeling like death. (Although I realize this is a self-inflicted kind of pain.)

(17) Laundry. Everywhere. All the time.

(18) People who assure me they are going to take care of certain tasks, and then later ask me if I have completed these very same tasks.

(19) Being the new kid in town. Without the built-in cushions of college or roommates to soften the landing. I am happy with my decision to live in a new place, and I can't imagine having done things differently. But I have yet to find one person who understands what it's like, or who stops to consider that it might be very difficult.

(20) Waiting and wondering if certain boys are going to call.

(21) My lack of supplies and ability to cook anything. If I eat one more Lean Pocket or bowl of Special K for dinner, I might die.

(22) Mean people. And people who radiate negativity.

(23) The lack of counter space in my bathroom. It's no wonder I'm accidentally dropping things in the toilet all the time.

(24) Work people trying to Facebook friend me. No, Person Who Once Tortured Me when I Had to Work for You a Year Ago (see #22), I do not want to be friends, and I do not want you to see pictures of me intoxicated, nor do I want to see pictures of you intoxicated.

(25) Plane tickets being so expensive near Thanksgiving. It's looking like deep dish pizza and a movie again this year.

Here's to a better week ahead.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Good Old Days

Sometimes I miss my old life!

Just got an email from one of my former Honors kids and I was remembering all of the time I put into my Honors club. That club was my baby for three years! I was president for two of those years, and it was one of a few things I've done where I've gotten to throw my energy into being positive and attempting to motivate others. I'm not sure if I was any good at it, but I miss those days.

(Although, I was digging through my old files and good grief was I disorganized. I mean not that bad, really, for a college student. But that kind of organization would NOT fly in my current life.)

Earlier today I was driving past downtown Boston. When I looked up at the skyline, I was expecting for half a second to see San Francisco in front of me. Some days I miss that place. I will always think of it as my original city.

A couple weeks ago I was craving a bonfire on Avila Beach.

And there are certain days when I would like to go back to being 18. For the first couple months of college I didn't know many people yet, so I would spend almost every afternoon staring in fascination at the hills and the unpolluted blue sky from my secret lunch spot. I loved doing that.

I usually don't think the past, but on the occasion that I do, it's sad to know that I can't go back. There were a lot of nice things about my former life.

However, my grown up life is pretty cool, too. I get to make all my own decisions, and to stay out as late as I want (okay, I could do that in college too, but now there is no one around to judge me just in case I come at 11 am in yesterday's clothes), and to keep working on making life even better than before. Annndd I get to hang out in Boston. (Sorry, San Francisco, but Boston and I are actually very happy together.) I have a feeling that someday I will miss this, too.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Latest Adventues

On Thursday morning a man got on the 8:12 am bus and couldn't pay his fare because he didn't have any cash. (Hello, buses don't take credit cards.) So this cashless man thought he would just laugh it off and slip on by. But not so fast. Mr. 8:12 am Bus Driver told him that if he wanted to ride the bus, he needed to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in full. At first I think cashless man thought it was a joke, but Mr. 8:12 am Bus Driver does not kid around. Once cashless man realized this was no joke, he refused to say the Pledge on grounds that it would be "embarrassing." To which Mr. 8:12 responded (in his scuzzy Boston accent) "you're embarrassin' me by not sayin' it!" Cashless man was taken aback, and proceeded to start mumbling the first few words. Then he evidently decided it was not worth it, so he gave up and got off the bus.

I think today was the earliest I have woken up on a Saturday in a very long time. Ran a 5K this morning for Breast Cancer. (Okay. Ran/jogged/walked the last 1.5 k.) Note to self: Before the next 5K, do NOT drink beer the night before. Do NOT forget to bring deodorant (don't worry, I borrowed some from a friend), and definitely do NOT forget to pee before the race. All in all, I'm glad I went. The race was held in South Boston next to the Harbor, with a view of the skyline. Couldn't ask for a much better setting. And several thousand people participated.

Also went to my second annual "Faire of the Square" this afternoon - my little town's fall festival. All I bought this year was a key hook contraption. I know some people who would find this very funny.

Also took a little walk through town today. In SHORTS and a T-SHIRT. It was so summery and fantastic.

Tonight is for relaxing. (Considering the last two weekends have involved grown up drinks and parties and slumber parties and 5K's.) I have a date with my DVR. I even made dinner. In the oven! I won't lie to you... this is the second time I've used my oven since I moved in almost 13 months ago. The first time was about two weeks ago. Don't judge me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear 8:12 am Bus Driver

When we first met a few weeks ago, I didn't care for you too much. I decided that you are one of those big burly Boston men who isn't particularly friendly. Plus you smoke more than a chimney. (I'm pretty certain that you smoke on the bus, too, right before I get on it - causing me to show up to work every day feeling like I've just put away a pack of Marlboros.) Also, I decided that your driving is a little bit out of control, and I've wondered on more than one occasion if I would make it off the bus alive.

However, I think my feelings have begun to change. Your reckless driving is sort of an impressive feat to watch when we speed past three other buses on the MassPike, almost in a mocking fashion. I can't believe I actually made it to work by 8:25 last week. Also, you didn't mind too much when I gave you an attitude because you thought I was a dumb blonde girl who didn't know how to add cash to my Charlie Card (which I pretty much have down to a science by now, thank you very much). And this morning, the way you pulled right in front of that other bus because it was running late and holding us back - thus cutting it off completely and making it even later - was downright hardcore. I have never seen such a thing in all my time as a passenger! (By the way, you very nearly hit that bus while you were pulling around it. How did you even get a license?)

Sorry to say that you are not my FAVORITE bus driver of all time -- that still belongs to Mr. 6:40 who I met last fall, even though he no longer drives my route. He always waited very patiently while I fumbled for my Charlie card, and he asked me about my weekend, and while his driving was fast, it usually didn't cause me to wonder on a regular basis whether I would end up as roadkill.

But hey, you are growing on me. I mean, if nothing else, I have decided hold off on calling the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority to report you for causing me to inhale a busload of poisonous secondhand smoke every morning.

I'm glad we can be friends.


Your 8:12 am Passenger

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hanging on for Dear Life

I heard that on the radio today. You know what they were talking about? Summer. Which made me very very sad. I have been pretty deeply in denial this year about the end of my favorite season. I have even been turning up my nose at the pretty colors that are starting to creep into the trees and wishing they would go away. I think I will get over it. But I'm going to keep pouting for at least another week. And a half. (I think once it becomes October, you're not allowed to call it summer anymore.)

I just saw a commercial suggesting that kids are getting "buzzed" (think alcohol) from certain songs which they are downloading on the internet. It's called "i-buzzing." Wow. I don't even know what to say about that.

I can't decide if I should officially have a boyfriend or not. It occurred to me recently that I haven't really wanted to be called someone's "girlfriend" since I was about 17. After you get hurt once or twice, the title starts to lose its splendor. Since then I've kind of had to be talked into it. Or have just avoided it altogether for something nameless and casual. Or more recently, traded it in for my status as an independent lady. Not sure if I'm quite ready to give that up. But then again, sometimes I am.

I have a bug bite on my elbow that I got while I was scraping tree sap off of my car yesterday. Tree sap is a terrible thing. Avoid it at all costs.

I am planning to do something a little bit sophisticated in the near future and go to the theater in Boston. I want to see Wicked. I don't think I can say that I've officially been "to the theater." Call me a nerd, but I'm excited.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I am having a little bit of an existential crisis this week. After one glorious week of vacation, I am having a hard time checking back into reality. It would be really terrific if I could have a job that allows me to sleep in til 10 am every day. And still get home by dinnertime. And maybe take Fridays off. And doesn't require me to think extremely hard. But still pays me as if I did.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August in Summary

I have been really bad at blogging. The past month has gone something like this...

Hung out in Florence. (Kentucky, not Italy. I wish.) Came back to Boston for a whole week. Worked. Stressed. Had gym time. Happy hour'ed. Flew to Washington DC. Stayed the week in Maryland. Worked. Ate. Hot-tubbed after hours. Came back to Boston. Partied it up with some of the Boston kids. Ordered some cute boots that I have not officially seen yet. (Had to have them shipped to the store because I am never home. Haven't been in town to pick them up.) Got a hair cut from a large Boston man named Louie. Had more gym time. Flew back to DC. Stayed the week. ATE CUPCAKES. (Famous cupcakes.) About died from sugar overdose. And food overdose in general. Came back to Boston. Carried leftover cupcakes on the plane. Ate one more just now.

I CANNOT BELIEVE that summer is almost over! This unhappy truth just occurred to me this morning when I heard some radio show host talking about how Labor Day being the end of summer. And that's like a week away. What! Sooo not ready for cold weather again. It honestly feels like it was just fall a few weeks ago, and now it's going to be fall again.

Which reminds me that next week is mine and Boston's one-year anniversary. I will be celebrating on the West Coast, though. Next week is vacation-time. Funny enough, I spend so much time traveling for work, and what am I going to do on vacation? Travel. To California / Portland / Seattle.

Less than 36 hours to go and a TON of stuff to do. Would like to stay up late tonight and accomplish some of these things, but I swear to you that I can barely keep my eyes open. All-nighter tomorrow? I think so.

Monday, July 26, 2010

22 and 23.

The last weekend of my 22nd year was rather amazing. Yummy food, Disney World, and a little R&R at some very nice resorts. Thank you, Florida, for a lovely weekend. (For the record, I went to Florida for work. And I did work, I promise.)

The first weekend of my 23rd year was spent partying. I am not typically an excessive partier... I like to let loose and have fun every so often, but I usually keep it pretty mellow. Not so much this past weekend. However, I am comforted in knowing that despite my grown-up job and my business lady life, I can still have a good time and take advantage of my 20's. (Although I seriously wonder how the group of crazies I work with has not had HR troubles for all of the inappropriateness going around. But they are a fun bunch.)

Here are a few a things I've decided during the past week:

- I love love love the water. Lakes, oceans, rivers, ponds. I will never be able to live anywhere without water. I think the calmest I ever feel is on a boat. (Maybe my future fiance will even propose on a boat...)
I like some people better when they are intoxicated.
- I don't believe in the idea that each person has a soulmate out there waiting to be found. I think I already decided on this one a long time ago, but now I'm sure.

- I like pretzel M&M's.

But I think that's enough insight into my nutty mind for one night.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Guess Where I'm Headed Next

. . . F-l-o-r-i-d-a!

I wish I could say this was solely for playtime, but it's not. In fact, it's mostly not. However, I am sneaking off early to spend the weekend in the sun. I might have even just been running around my apartment in my polka-dotted bathing suit in anticipation.

Maybe I will even take some time this weekend (which also happens to be the last weekend of my 22nd year) to clear my jumbled head and decide what I want out of life. I will let you know what that is. But seriously, sometimes I think maybe a person ought to just make certain decisions and go with them. I have always been so crazy about the idea of balance, and I still am. BUT. Maybe, in select few cases, by trying to keep things "in balance" I am really just avoiding making a decision, and instead trying to keep things at a middle ground rather than letting them fall to wherever they are supposed to be. I have become pret-ty good at making decisions when it comes to my business life. But when it comes to my personal life... not so much.

Also, I made it back from NYC in one piece, in case you were wondering. There was sushi and gelatto and rotating rooftop dining. I'm pretty sure work-related trainings are just an excuse to eat. It's not such a bad life.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

30 Days of Summer

So it seems that I have been on a little blogging hiatus. I have good reasons, though. During that time I have been hanging at some pretty cool places, such as here:

And here...
All for fun, too! Although I must say, it's kind of nice coming back my little town of Boston. As much as I love to travel, being surrounded by the craziness of other places just goes to show what a classy town Boston is. If you don't believe me, just drive along the Charles at night with the skyline on the other side of the river, all sparkly and peaceful. Or walk along the pretty streets of Back Bay and check out the red colonial buildings everywhere you turn. Not such a bad place to live.

Speaking of crazy, tomorrow I will be shipping off to another little town a few miles down the East Cost: New York City. Going to hang out in Times Square for a few days and learn about some lovely new ways to audit. There will inevitably be sushi-time. And a Monday night viewing party of the Bachelorette. I love having 23-year-old co-workers.

In other news, it's intern season at work. Hard to believe that less than a year ago I was just a dazed and confused girl from the West Coast, trying to stay afloat in the land of business. And now I get to teach these kids everything I know. Also hard to believe that it's been 2 whole years since I was an intern... working by day, and roaming the streets of San Francisco by night.

If all goes as planned, I may be heading back to the West Coast yet again in a couple months. This time I want to explore the Pacific Northwest. Portland? Seattle? Don't get me wrong... I am in a happy and committed relationship with Boston for the time being. But I really want to fall in love and settle down. With a city. Boston and I haven't quite reached this milestone yet, and I think it's okay for me to explore my options, ya know? You never know what could be out there out there for you until you've scoped it all out.

Happy summer!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Charles

Last night I dreamt that I was swimming down the Charles River. Because I wanted to go to an electronics store. For what reason I do not know. And the only way to get there was evidently by swimming. Which is kind of gross because despite the pretty summer snapshot above, the Charles River has historically been very yucky and polluted. And in my dream I kept thinking, "This is gross. I can't believe I'm swimming in this dirty river. But it's the only way." I don't even need anything electronic.

What does that say about me?

I also dreamt about some other things that I would never admit to anyone. It's crazy how many ridiculous things can happen in a person's head.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Remember when I visited this little town last month? I think it's deserving of its own entry.

Here's a belated view of a few things that were awesome about this city.

Pretty sights everywhere you turn:

The famous Navy Pier ferris wheel, and the sweet views from the top:

Lots of unique architecture:

Views from the river... including the 110-story Sears Tower:

Wrigley Field, and some very energetic baseball fans (even though I will never root for the Cubs):

The Bean!

A Frank Gehry creation - the Jay Pritzker Pavilion:

Awesome city views from Millennium Park:

The Nature Factor. Pretty tulips, all over the city. And of course Lake Michigan:

And lastly, the best view in the city, which happens to be from the WOMEN'S BATHROOM on the 96th floor of the Hancock tower:

Friday, May 28, 2010

It's Always Sunny in Boston

Remember that one time I wrote about how every weekend should be 3 days? And that I am personally willing to take a hit to the GDP to achieve this feat? Well I stand by that. Except this particular weekend is even better... F-O-U-R whole days off!

I celebrated Day One of Four by sleeping in, getting a haircut (the first one in over 9 months), and taking the world's longest trip to Target. During which time I decided to try this ridiculous $22.99 bottle of shampoo. Every time I get a haircut, I always get talked into trying some new and expensive hair product. But I was out of shampoo, what can I say. At least it's a big bottle. (However, if you plan on being a guest in my apartment anytime soon, it would be much appreciated if you could please bring your own shampoo.)

I also went to my very first full-service gas station today. Massachusetts has a lot of full-service stations, but I have been protesting and going out of my way to avoid them. I've always thought it seems unnecessary to have someone else pump my gas. How judgy of me. As it turns out, I could get used to full service stations. Especially during the winter when it's 15 degrees outside and I have to stand there and hold the pump because I have yet to find a single one that has a properly-working pump-lock-thingy in the entire state of Massachusetts.

I am concluding the night by (hopefully) watching the Celtics win their spot in the championship series, and eating banana-flavored ice cream. I am slightly obsessed with banana-flavored anything.

I feel so productive and it's not even Saturday yet! Also, thank you Massachusetts for a perfect sunny-but-breezy day. I will even forgive you for all that humidity we had earlier this week. But if you could please avoid bringing any more of that, I would personally appreciate it. It makes me feel sticky and it does bad things to my hair.

California, I heard you were getting some rain? Aw. That's rough. I have brought back the sundresses and sandals over here in New England.

Beach-time this weekend? At the Atlantic Ocean? Maybe so. 3 more days and the possibilities are limitless.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday in Numbers

Hours spent battling traffic on the crummy Boston roads: 3.

Number of application controls tested within Oracle: 15? 20? 8,000?

Beers consumed: 2. or 3. (see #1 and #2.)

Temperature in Boston: 85.

Hand shakes: 6?

Hugs received: 3.

Sweet potato fries eaten: 2.

Personality types assessed: 1.5.

Curse words said while on the aforementioned roads in rush-hour traffic: A lot.

Minutes of the American Idol finale that my DVR failed to record: 30.

Desserts eaten instead of dinner: 1.

Text messages exchanged: 23.

Cups of coffee: 0.5.

Days spent out of town during the previous 3 weeks: 16.

Days spent in Chicago this month: 7.

Days spent in Dallas this month: 9.

Minutes driven in the dark with my headlights off: 15.

Total number of days in the upcoming holiday weekend: 4!!

Points by which the Celts lost Game 5: 21.

Days til California trip: 16.

Hours until I have to get up tomorrow morning: 6.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Spilled Milk

And I do mean literally. I spilled a bowl of cereal on my carpet yesterday. If you are going to put your feet on your coffee table, you might want to check for dishes filled with liquid that you might accidentally kick and send flying. Oops.

BUT I'm going to Chicago tomorrow morning! For a whole week. And did I mention that I'm going to be hanging out in the Sears tower? (Or the Willis tower, if I'm being technically correct here. ) And it's for a training class, not real work. So it's basically school, except in the tallest building in the US, and with a salary! Plus I happen to know the instructor pret-ty well. Not that I would ever use that as an excuse to slack off, or anything.

I'm flying in early so I can spend the weekend visiting. So far my plans include seeing a baseball game and a giant silver bean. Maybe a comedy show. And sushi.. that's a given for all work-sponsored travel. I'm excited.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


...are awesome. I wish the playground across the street from my apartment had big kid swings, and not just tiny toddler swings. Of course, that has not stopped me from hanging out in the big red plastic one for the past 2 days. It's the only one that I can actually fit into, without tiny leg holes. Except it's not much of a swinging experience since it only sits like a foot off the ground. But still.

It's getting warmer outside more often. Makes me miss this time last year, where I was beginning my daily poolside routine. One day I even took my laptop out there and picked up a wireless connection. Pretty much the highlight of my life.

What happens when you really, really like a certain place but you really belong with the people in a difference place? Which one do you pick? (I don't actually know which people I belong with, but I'm pretty sure they are not the ones in the place that I would choose.)

Once again, the Discovery Channel is a depressing trap. I never doubted that there were aliens, but Stephen Hawking thinks they might already be colonizing the universe?? By harvesting the energy of an entire star with millions of mirrors?? Fantastic. I really need to find a more uplifting Sunday night activity.

I'm going to Chicago next weekend. So soon! Time flies when it's sunny outside.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gym Etiquette

If the incredibly arrogant guy who I just spent a half an hour with at the gym is reading this, then hi. I have the following things to say to you:

1) I do NOT want to hear your loud grunty sounds while you lie on your back and lift weights. I swear I even heard an "oh baby." And that was with my HEADPHONES on. Gross!

2) You are WAY too into yourself. How many times did you walk over to the mirror and check yourself out?? Yes, congratulations, you have muscles! Someone's mom once told me that if a guy spends more time looking in the mirror than I do, that is NOT a good sign. Get over yourself.

3) You really didn't need to make little dancing moves in between sets. I was RIGHT THERE. Next time if you could wait til you get back inside your apartment to get your sexy on, that would be much appreciated.

4) If you are not a complete narcissistic jerk, then don't act like one. People are judging you. Especially me.

5) Shouldn't you have a membership to a REAL gym, where you can be surrounded by other boys just like you? You know, guys with big muscles and inflated egos? Or can you not stand your kind, either? I sincerely hope we do not run into each other again.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Meaning of Life

My latest performance review is pret-ty good one, if I do say so myself. And that is PROBABLY because I wrote it myself. Well, I'm in the process, anyway. The woman who is supposed to be writing it asked ME to write it instead. That is kind of a brilliant idea on her part... that way she gets out of writing the review, I get to say nice things about myself, she feels bad about not writing the review in the first place like she was technically supposed to, and therefore she signs off on all the nice things I have written about myself... win/win ?

It's almost 2 am in Milwaukee. I should definitely be asleep by now, but I was supposed to have finished this review already. Last week, to be exact.

No chance that I am going to have time for my taxes tonight... which means I will be filing mine and my mother's taxes on April 15th. The VERY. LAST. DAY. Sometimes I actually convince myself that I have become an organized, efficient, proactive person who no longer has the procrastination disease. At least it says those things in my performance review.

Remember how I said I was giving up the search for a flight to California next week? Well. I kept searching. For hours. Which is probably why I still am awake now doing all of the things I have been putting off, and why I was awake at this time last night, and why I will probably be exhausted for the rest of the week. And with nothing to show for it, because I never did find a flight. At least I heard it was going to rain in California next week. That made me feel slightly better.

I decided upon the meaning of life today while standing outside by a tree. (My Blackberry had just died and I was waiting for somebody else to finish up a call, so I had nothing better to do than to contemplate the meaning of life.) The verdict: I think the meaning of life is to explore and appreciate the world.

You know how I thought of that? Because even though I was stuck working at a building in this crummy neighborhood where the McDonald's I was forced to go to for lunch had a sign posted on the door (no joke) warning all customers to remove their hoods upon entry or an alarm would sound, and the client I'm visiting is so strict that I have to be escorted to pee, I was thinking how much I liked that tree, and the grass I was standing on at that moment, and the fact that the sky was blue and the sun was out.

And on other days when it's ugly and grey outside, you can always appreciate the people you're with, or the crazy things you do on the weekends, or the late night phone conversations you have, or a trip to the gym, or that feeling you get when you first lie down to go to bed and realize you have the entire night ahead of you to sleep. So I think if you can FIND things to appreciate, and you can explore at least some of the people / places / things the world has to offer, then you are have satisfied the meaning of life.

OH! That reminds me - this hotel where I am staying has BANANA FLAVORED LOTION!! It smells like banana pudding! I LOVE it - best idea ever! Yeah, I am always appreciating the weirdest things. What can I say? There are just so many things to be excited for in the world.

Okay, but seriously... time to finish this thing.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring is Here

Unfortunately, I am celebrating with a bottle of Zyrtec.

So, I think I give up. It doesn't look like my California trip next week is meant to be. I've tried and tried to no avail to find a flight that won't cause me to go broke, but with no luck. Too bad. I could really use some beach time. And a visit to my old sandwich shop. And some California-style sushi. And some facetime with a couple of kids who have been sadly missing from my life.

June isn't so far away, right?

I added Milwaukee to the list of places on my upcoming work tour. Actually, I'm headed there tomorrow.

One day someone will invent a teleporting machine. Just wait.

I can't get into Dancing with the Stars. I've tried. Can't do it. Not interested enough. Sorry, Jake the Bachelor.

However, I watched a 2-hour documentary last weekend and liked it. On a Saturday. Is that sad? I hope not. Because I still have Part 2 that I'm saving for next weekend. (Hey at least it's about one of my all-time favorite subjects. I don't just watch random documentaries for Saturday fun. Random Lifetime movies, maybe.)

I need a boy in my life. I think I know which one I want, too. I might even know if he wants me back. Oops, but that's a secret.

Did I mention that my allergy medication makes me sort of crazy and incoherent? Well it does. Feel free to ignore me for the next 2 months.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Ramblings

I decided about 3 and half hours ago that I was going to go to bed early and get tons of sleep tonight, and wake up tomorrow feeling refreshed. I think if that had actually happened, I would have been in bed about 2 and a half hours ago. Oops.

So the the skinny vanilla latte is my new favorite drink from Starbucks. And all this time I thought a caramel latte was better! Well it's not. Trust me. I promise that I almost never drink coffee or coffee-related beverages, though. Although it makes me feel sort of grown up when I do.

Hooray for cell-phone reminders of certain people's birthdays that I might have otherwise forgotten! Sorry, you can't hide from my Blackberry.

Did I mention that I dropped my Blackberry in the sink? Yeah, I did. While my dishes were soaking and it was filled with water. Don't mock. It still works. (Just not as well.)

Went to Rhode Island last-last weekend. Went to St. Louis last week. (I touched the arch! Woohoo.) Going to New Jersey next week. (Blah.) MIGHT be going home to California in a few weeks. Haven't decided yet. (Hopefully) going to Chicago in May (excited for that one!). I have been on a lot of planes lately. You would think I lead an exciting life. Sometimes I think so, too. Most of these travels are not as glamorous as they sound though. I'd honestly rather sit in an office in Boston instead of flying on a plane to do the same thing. But I have gotten to see some cool places, and the list of important cities I've visited keeps growing. So there is some glam, and some blah factor to these trips.

It seems a little funny to sound like such a domestic traveler at my very old age of... 23, minus a few months. Just a year ago I was traveling about as far as the lawn or the pool side. Oh, grown up life. Didn't I say at one point that I felt like a major fake who is just pretending to be an adult? Well I still do. Which makes the traveling thing even funnier. I feel like a kid who is going on all of these little trips without the parents. Party in the USA. Yep.

I've been feeling like going to Portland lately. (The one in Oregon, not Maine. Because East Coast'ers think Portland means Maine.) Are there mountains in Portland? I recently concluded, in the shower nonetheless, that I want to live somewhere with mountains. Or big hills that could be mistaken as mountains if you weren't used to the Sierras. What can I say, there's just something about elevation that I like.

Too bad I don't think we have too many clients in Portland. But that's okay because I want this to be a fun / exploratory / scoping-out-my-potential-future-mountainous-home kind of a trip.


Monday, March 15, 2010

What Every Girl Needs

Yes, exactly what you were thinking. One of those handy jar opener things.

I mean, that independent lady stuff is all good and well. I am totally sticking to that. But you know what would really be nice? A boy. To open jars. Because I just spent about 10 minutes wrestling with this ridiculous, impossibly-sealed jar of pineapple salsa. The result? After suffering what felt like a nearly broken hand, I gave up and scrapped my dinner plans altogether in exchange for something that does not involve fighting with lids until my hand is red and my wrist is sore. And I am just saying, this is not the first time I have lost such a battle. They make some of those things insanely tight okay.

Work from home tomorrow! This unfortunately means I have no excuse not to wash all of that laundry that I've been putting off for a month. I probably shouldn't admit this in writing. But I may have had to resort to washing certain important articles of clothing in the sink.

I am not a fan of this time change

Okay I'm actually very happy that we are gaining an extra hour of daylight. Maybe when I leave work, I will actually see the sun! However, it's almost 1 am and I have to get up in 6 hours. But I'm not sleepy. Might have something to do with waking up at noon.

I am pret-ty excited for this coming week. Mostly Thursday. When I have company coming over to visit. I even did my dishes today so my guest can use the silverware! I'm not going to tell you how long my entire dish collection has been sitting in the sink, or how I have been washing one fork a time on an as-needed basis.

If I keep hearing ridiculous words like "nor'easter" (translation: ugly storm) then I'm going to start representing Nor-Cal and bringing "hella" to the New England.

It's crazy how much people change over the span of a few years. For instance... I used to hate sushi and the color yellow. Which now happen to be two of my very favorite things. Oh and a few years ago I probably would not have made a cross-country move on my own. But I am a strong believer in ladies trying the independence thing. I'm not saying a cross-country move is necessary, or anything. But I have seen way too many girls who can't imagine the idea of existing without a boy at their side. (Alright, maybe I have even been one of them.) Fortunately I have discovered that you absolutely CAN do so, and it can be completely refreshing once you realize it. And then you can experience other boys who may be much better suited for you, and meanwhile you can get to know and trust yourself in a way that you've probably never done before.

...too bad I'm pretty sure the only people who read my blog are boys, all of whom are probably tuning me out by now.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I miss the beach.

However, today we got some much needed sun. 50-degree-and-blue-skies kind of sun. I'm pretty sure all of Massachusetts was outside to celebrate. Including me.

I've decided that I need to get some patio chairs so that I can sit on the balcony and drink diet coke next time we have sunny weather.
I've also decided that I miss the green hills and pool-time to go along with the blue skies. And the Pacific Ocean. Don't get me wrong, I like my new city a lot. I like the people and the buildings and the cute boots that you get to wear when it starts to get cold outside. If only it were filled with palm trees and located about 3,000 miles closer to the Pacific Ocean, I think it might be the perfect city.

So I don't know what that means for me.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Guess What

If I have to spend any more days at work copy/pasting things in Excel, I think my fingers might fall off. Not to mention I might lose my mind. I swear my job isn't always that brainless. Just sometimes.

But it's okay because.... Bachelor season finale tonight!!! Who will Jake choose?? (I swear my non-work life isn't always this brainless. Just on Monday nights.)

Happy March!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Might Be Crazy

Today I started rubbing shampoo on my face because I thought it was my moisturizing lotion. Yeah. I was wondering why it wasn't blending in. And why it had a weird scent.

I have also been guilty of losing my cell phone in the refrigerator and trying to drink from water bottles with the cap on. And then, the other day at work, I get a call from facilities group informing me that they had my credit card, because someone had found it in the building and turned it in. My credit card! I didn't even know I had lost it! At least I work very hard to build up good karma points so that when I unknowingly lose my credit card in a 60-story building, the universe will have the good grace to see that some nice stranger turns it in.

But still. Sometimes I wonder if I will make it to 30.

I have been thinking lately about what it would be like to live in the west. Like Idaho. Or Montana. Or somewhere with lots of open meadows and horses and oak trees. Maybe that is where I belong. Away from the sophisticated city life where I lose things and spill things and make plenty of mistakes for people to notice.

Off the subject... last night I dreamt that I was a contestant on American Idol. Somehow I had made it to the top 10, but I was too scared to go on stage and perform because I thought Simon was going to tell me how awful I was.

Also, happy last day of February to me!! No offense to February... it hasn't been a bad month. But I am very excited to say that I have survived what I hope will have been the coldest and stormiest days of my first real winter! I don't want to jinx anything here. But I am hoping March might be nice enough to bring some warmer days ahead.

And if I'm really good, maybe it will even bring some people that I haven't seen in way too long.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I am a very strong believer. Which helps keep me in check, I think. And also helps me feel better during the times when other people are deserving to be kept in check. Thank you, universe, for always settling the score.

In other news... I was on the phone with India today. For like an hour. You know the world has become a crazy place when you can sit on your couch in your undies and talk to New York and Mumbai at the same time while eating cereal and watching Gilmore Girls on mute.

Alsoooo... I might have a hot date this weekend :) And I do mean hot. This might be the hottest weekend I've had in a while. But I can't tell you any more. It's top secret stuff :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Existential Crisis, continued

So does anybody know what they're doing in life? Because I certainly do not. Some days I want to be a powerful business lady and some days I want to be a camp counselor and some days I just want to stay home and eat fruit loops out of the box. And some days I just want to get married to a rich pilot named Jake the Bachelor and spend my days lounging by the pool. (Usually not the last one, though. Don't judge.)

And then sometimes I want to go back to my old life of sleeping by day, studying by night, and partying away the weekends. Except my kind of parties often involve a good match of Cranium. I'm a good hummer, what can I say.

But I'm pretty sure some famous person once said "you can't go home again." I have no idea who said that, and I can't be sure that I'm not just pulling it out of thin air, but either way I think about it a lot. And it makes me kind of sad. Because I think this mysterious person I'm quoting was being philosophical and pointing out that when circumstances change, people change, and that changed people have different ideas and perspectives than their former selves, and as such, you can't expect to return to your former life and find things waiting for you as you remember them. Either your former life changed while you were away, or YOU have changed and now view it differently, or more likely, both.

That's just a saddening thought. Because I was really hoping that I could "go home" again, if I wanted to. Both literally and figuratively. And now I'm not so sure what the heck is happening.

Also I really hope my updated self is not a workaholic who watches American Idol on Tuesday nights for a dose of excitment. Like I REALLLLY hope not. Cuz I would like to be someone way cooler than that.

Thank goodness for weekends :)

Not so much for big ugly snowstorms that are heading my way. I'm pretty sure I am working from my couch tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

If I Could Have 3 Things Right Now...

They would be:

1) A back massage

2) Some good sushi

3) A plane ticket to Jamaica. Or maybe California.

Maybe one of those will come true in the near future. Or more than one? That would be spectacular.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hot Stuff

I know you're not going to believe this, but apparently I had a little bit of an attitude going on, even back in the days when I was just an innocent curly-haired child.

Obviously I also had some awesome style back in the '90s. Did you see my hot little outfit, and those sexy roller blades with the bright pink laces?

I don't think I liked to smile pretty for the camera very often.

But I was super sweet. Don't pay attention to those Barney dolls. I swear they weren't mine.

The siblings were okay. Clearly not as cool as me and stuff. But you know, who can blame them.

Oh the 90's. Fun times.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday Updates

I may have been a tad bit crabby yesterday. Just so you don't think I am a total Debbie Downer, please note that the world and I are on better terms today.

Also, it's really crazy how things happen the way they do. And I like people who take risks sometimes. (No, those two statements are not related.)

That's all. Happy Wednesday! :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I really dislike crummy days. Like today. I also really dislike work. WHY on earth would a person want to work for 12 hours a day on something that is painfully unexciting? And even less useful than it is interesting?

Yes, that's right, slavedrivers. Go ahead and track me down and put this in my next performance review. Make sure to include the fact that I am officially complaining about how people who I am not even working for send me e-mails at 4:30 pm, and even though they are "sorry for the late notice," they need me to re-do something that I already did for them earlier, ALSO with very little notice, because they screwed up and gave me the wrong information the first time. Um. As if I don't already have hours worth of work to finish at 4:30 pm.

I dream about a job where it's I can begin to think about going home at 4:30 pm. I wonder what that must be like... I might get home in time to eat dinner and watch The Bachelor and maybe even get 7-8 hours of sleep. What a fantasy world.

Also, while I'm on this little outburst, it's 15 degrees outside. 0 degrees with wind chill. And my head hurts and I have no energy and my apartment is a horrible mess.

January and I are just not getting along so well.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

All I Want to Do become a nomad. Travel around the U.S., and then once I've seen all there is to see, travel around the rest of the world. Especially before a massive volcano, or astroid, or nuclear war comes along and destroys it all. (Thank you, Discovery Channel, for your very unsettling outlook on the fate of the earth.)

So far 2010 is off to a slow start. Mostly my mind is still cloudy and stuck in vacation mode. I think I am ready to fast forward to March. No reason, or anything.